Tuesday, March 30, 2010

DS, No karaoke

Hiya Mina! ( ^_^)/ やぁ!

Long time no see lawl ('-'*)オヒサ♪

Short updates!

Most people in my office got (evaluated for a raise and sorts) but I didn't get it. Obviously wasting my time for them during weekends and midnights wasn't worth it. Either that or it got postponed, but seeing my capacity declined for quite some time, i guess it's not time yet. Ah well, why bother. I'm gonna work hard for my own success.

Good news! I have a new addition to the family! My new....

NINTENDO DS LITE! (*≧▽≦)オハツでっす♪ *bricked*

I haven't named it yet! \(^▽^*) Still thinking. I only have KH 358/2 Days for now. The Oldtown internet was terrible so i couldn't get anything else. >_> SOBS I LOVE MY NEW DS YEYS *getterpunched*

Next, to get Ouendan woo! Moar Square Enix games woo!
I wanna buy original woo! ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ_彡☆バンバン!!

Tomorrow is Saku's birthday!!!! Yay!!! but i can't go to karaoke with them--

_| ̄|○ (;_・) (ToT)

The reason? The office. Froze. The. leaves. For. The. Week.


Anyway! I couldnt sleep recently! but still genki. I am a superobo after all
( ^‐^)_且~~

I miss yew my karaoke buddies lawl <3

Take care all! <(_ _)>


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