Saturday, March 13, 2010

May'n Big WAAAAAVE Concert!

Ya mina! ( ^_^)/ やぁ!

Last Sunday (7.3.10) I went to the May'n Big WAAAAAVE concert! It was sooooo awesome! The (solo) performance was way better than she was during AFA09~ The map didnt really show the landmarks or anything but I'm a quite familiar with that place lawl so wasn't really afraid of getting lost lawl \(--)/

We arrived at almost 2pm~ as expected, there were already otakus lining up for the concert, which was scheduled to start at 8pm. o(^^o)(o^^)o わくわく A poster showing the winners of the autograph session was displayed at the entrance to the building:

Apparently Saku, my Kamcao Oyabun's ticket also got picked! at the end of the concert, we also found out that Zelkats and her sister, Nori-chin also got the autograph session! Yaaaaayヾ(^∇^) My number was at smack dab in the middle of the chart woo!

Otakus sitting at the stairs were whiling away the time by playing PSPs, reading tankobon mangas and listening to May'n songs (´~`) One of them was playing Project Diva. He put Miku in a bikini (*·_·) A lot of people were wearing the concert T-shirt in 4 variations of colours. I can imagine them chanting "ZIEG MAY'N ZIEG MAY'N" lawl.

Eventually, we entered the concert hall at 7pm something. We had our bags checked for any recording equipments (e_e)We stood at the second row. The tall guy in front of me was caught for taking a picture of May'n. He doesn't seem like he was enjoying the concert.( ̄へ ̄)I really didn't think he deserved the front spot. I was surprised he wasn't kicked out, but instead got off a warning instead. (*・_・)ノ⌒*

The performance was really great! May'n was very expressive when she sang "Paranoia" ( she actually ran around making expressions of a paranoid person), the "XYZ" dance was really exciting and fun! During the song, one of her dancers named Ken was spinning a towel towards our part of the crowd! xD it was really fun!! ヘ(^_^ヘ)(ノ^_^)ノ Ken kept looking at me. He did that during AFA 09 too. Yep. He was checkin' me out <3 color="#000000">( ̄▽ ̄)ノ_彡☆バンバン!!

Everyone: "...........e_e *everyone kamen rider kicks Iwashi* Σ(゚∀´(┗┐ヽ(・∀・ )ノ

Simply said, the concert was really worth it. May'n was shaking her butt during the Universal Bunny song (she was making the bunny tail dance):
As you can see below, i think PeeCee really liked that part of the dancing (・∀・ )
Ah, allright I exaggerated~ \(o ̄∇ ̄o)/ That was a great performance. >( ゚▽゚)/ *shakes hand* She said "Arigatou!!" *smiles* Oh! So MOE lawl >_~ notice the emoticon she always puts on her blog on the signed poster.

Allrite all, I'll need to prepare for the karaoke at Yumekukan hohoho.


Take care all! <(_ _)>


  1. 8D such an exact depiction of peecee LAWL!

    hang in there hun~

  2. oh! u gave the first kamen rider kick for this blog! 8D yey Σ(゚∀´(┗┐ヽ(・∀・ )ノ

    yea altho he said "why u draw me like that? ^^; " tapi dia sendiri suka lawl xDDD shouldve drawn him when he was singing brown monsoon on the monorail LAWL <3

    Sankyuu dear ;3; i dun think im going GACC just cause i need to finish unfinished office work T_T
