Friday, March 5, 2010


Ya mina~ (^o^)/

How's everyone doing? It's a really tiring day for me (*_*) last night I went to a birthday dinner.
But i'll talk about the party next time. During the dinner, I met my friend's girlfriend for the first time and I must say I was rather stunned.

Not because of her cuteness.
No, not the dress.
Not her genki-ness either. xD

She REALLY LOOKS LIKE ANOTHER FRIEND OF MINE! \(@A@)/ I really had a "YOU WA SHOCK!" moment there lawl 8D;
I heard that there are at least 7 people who look like you in the world. >3> I wonder how one would feel looking at the same face on a different person? ( ' 3')a

When I showed her the picture of my friend, who had the same smile, same eyes and same facial expressions, she was surprised why I had a picture of her, although that was our first meeting. ^^; her face told me she had a "YOU WA SHOCK!" moment too (^.^''') She was wondering things like "Eh I don't have that baju!". (hahaha)

Even the "Nya!" cat-like expression was also similar. (O_O;) When i told my other friend of the matter, she said that including this time, there have been four cases of her friends telling her how someone else looks like her. Kinda gets one thinking huh? (>w<) How about you all? Have you met your own "Doppelganger"?

I've only been told once that someone else looks like me. ^^; They said that the lower part of my nose and lips looks like this other person. Who was apparently younger than I am, so I'm supposed to be happy, right? 8D *kicked* And speaking of look-alikes, my two friends accidentally exchanged phones cause both are of the same model and the same colour type, too xD;;; (lawl)

Allright, gtg! Do tell me your insights on this (>3<)

Take care all! <(_ _)>


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