Thursday, March 18, 2010

New Toy?

Ya mina! ( ^_^)/ やぁ!

reading that somewhat annoys me lawl.
(`ヘ´) *edits off ranty journal* there we go! (^o^)/

I'm considering to get a new toy!

"What toy?", you ask? 8D

It's something i've been wanting for quite some time lawl. But it's a surprise! and it's not confirmed yet so yea lawl.

I wanted to buy "that" last year, but my laptop got hit by a giant superobo who happened to be passing by. It's either he was bored or the complexities of the relations between machines--no human shall ever comprehend *nodnod*
( ̄ー ̄)ニヤリ*bricked* basically, my laptop got busted last year so i had to shell out the munny for a new laptop instead. ( ̄へ ̄)

I'll take a look at the "toy" tonight, and see if i'll actually get it hurhur. I'm somewhat excited! 8D ♪(ノ´∀`*)ノ

OH YEAAAAAHHH *does the Bon Bon dance*
(゚Д゚≡゚Д゚) Bon bon booon lawl o(>< )o o( ><)o

take care all~ <(_ _)>


  1. *hugs* >___<

    hang in there hun. Adversities are there to make the happy moments all the more sweeter.

  2. O3O was hoping to delete the post before u read it but i was too late i guess haha. >_> Thanks dear. *hugs* Sorry you had to read that.
