Monday, August 2, 2010

Trip to Perhentian (part 2)

Ya mina! (^0^)/

since i don't have a lot of time to update, I'll keep the stuff on the trip as short as possible (slowly tho haha).

- on the speed boat on the way to Perhentian, sitting in front is fun but make sure ur butt has proper padding (cushion) underneath it. Gets really bouncy yo~ I even screamed superobo attacks when we moved full speed ahead woo!
- The chalet was nicer than the one that our friends least we had two working fans and two working fuses :P
- Mr Leong doesnt understand "girl problem" when my friend said she cant go snorkelling. =_=;;; MEN. >_>
- The corals were nice <3 there were brain-shaped one and lots of colours lawl. I touched a mushroom coral (they brought it up) yaaay.

*on another note, ganbatteiru for my self-learning Japanese journey eyaaargh >A< Bought Minna no Nihongo II books!

ok till next updates <3

Take Care! <(_ _)>


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