Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Deep thoughts

Ya minna (^3^)/

I'm trying to see myself in about one year from now. Or somewhere in the near future.

Will I still be the same? I know I'm a very hard person to change.

My friends will be moving on by then, going to study overseas and such.

I don't want to be left behind at this square, either. Lonely? Maybe.

I'm not completely lost, it's just the "what if's" trying to get to me.

I'll just list down the options I have. Sacrifices are a must, of course. It's just a matter of letting go of that comfort zone is a challenge. Family may be against it? Most likely.

I've lost my rhythm for a while, need to get it back.

Need to fire myself up. BOMBER!!

Take care all. <(_ _)>

1 comment:

  1. well the first sign that you're not as lost as most people your age is that you know where you lack and have the initiative to do something about it :D

    It's good that you are listing down options you have but don't forget to list down what you want to do or be in 5 years time. You have to know where to end to know where to start :D

    Just let me know if you need help in any way in anything hun. :3 Do your best and I know you can do it!
