Monday, September 20, 2010


Ya minna~ (-3-)

I'm feeling lethargic today~

no, it's not because of yesterday's karaoke at Yumekukan,'s more likely due to the jetlag. The jetlag only took effect at about 9 pm yesterday. Why? Because I went to karaoke straight away after reaching home following my flight from my hometown across the sea. LOLOLOL I am awesome! See? The power of KARAOKE!!!!

...I really love singing solo...that's not a really good thing haha. I have to be a team player. Probably because if my partner in singing missed the timing, i'll tend to miss it as well. That bothers the perfectionist in me. But I think I got more considerate. I mean, it's not that i sing perfectly anyway. I'll feel like barfing everytime i hear myself on the recording. lawl.

But do you ever get the feeling that you really want to sing seriously and your friends are bothering/distracting you while singing? Let's say by making weird noises and such? I saw this recently when a friend of mine first time went to karaoke with us lol. It's not that she's mad or anything, but she just didnt feel like singing that song anymore and skipped it. What would u do in that situation? If you take the same action, your friends would think that you're a spoilsport/ tak sporting.

If it was me, I'd just sing louder... Not to drown their voices, but so I can at least hear myself and not miss a note or anything haha. Usually Ryu is around to say things like "shhh! I want to hear! *kicks noisy boys* Ryu, ur my hero lawl =w= These things dont annoy me, but instead I'll find myself thinking "What kind of a sound would reach them?" Hahahaha I sound like basara Nekki! Or what if you wanna sing solo and your friends wanna join u for singing as a duet or anything? OwO curious curious.

I love karaoke <3

JAMPro ticketing details out...need to use credit card...aww man. Hope my friend doesnt have a problem cause i asked him for help! I must go no matter what.

Take care all~ <(_ _)>


  1. awwwww Q____Q i missed you too bby. napa diorang kacau you sing ka :P

    Well I get what you mean though. but most of the time, let say 2/3 times if ppl ask want to duet when I want to sing solo, I'll either say "we duet next song can? this one I dah lama nak try solo :D" or just say ok lawl.

    well usually if like first timers ke or just a fun session, I just biar je la (but yeah I get what you mean, usually I get annoyed too). :P That's how I show I love the people I'm with by tolerating or just accepting macam tu. If people I'm not friends with I marah LAWL

    maybe we should do one of those practice singing sessions in Yumekukan next time :D

  2. LOLOL i miss u super much. ;w; hrm that's a good Idea xD Actually some songs I wanted a solo, but one or two people wanted to sing it with me ^^;;; And I guess I'm still not used to singing JAMPro songs with so many people...For instance, sometimes ne, i want to sing JAMPro songs by myself too...or just with one other person. Well not all the time of course. Singing together is fun, too. It's just me being greedy cause I always hog most part of the songs! lol. (cause if so many people, either need to sing that part together or bahagi bahagi) And the timing issue too~ i take karaoke too seriously argh *punch self* karaoke is supposed to be relaxing hahaha.

    Sometimes I put songs other people dont know is so that I can sing it by myself haha. cause someone said "you always put songs we don't know" lol. But i think this is normal ne, we cant know all of our friends' songs.

    "If people I'm not friends with I marah LAWL"
    LOLOLOL me too xD

    yeah we should totally do that hahaha xDDD niichan was singing behind the camera, so sometimes his voice drowned those of everyone else orz *facepalms*

  3. "yeah we should totally do that hahaha xDDD niichan was singing behind the camera, so sometimes his voice drowned those of everyone else orz *facepalms* "

    LAWL. nii-chan do everything fullblast :X oh well. oncein while takpe la, let them have fun without us tegur-ing them about things that annoy us. :X I'm sure we oso do things that annoy them but they don't say (tabun.. lawl)

    homg can't wait to karaoke TAT I'm so deprived, God knows how much LAWL
