Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Some random thoughts

Ya minna~ (^o^)/

i got a nice "Happy (belated) birthday" card from my colleagues today. Nice to know you're remembered, huh?

It's that time of the year when my motivation to work just dies without a real reason (it's a matter of Heart & Soul.. I guess the real me thinks doing things you don't like is pointless) I hate "demotivational" periods. Sigh. And due to lack of time for studying, my Japanese is more or less down the drain. =_= Really....I want a Dark Hour so bad rite now. Scraping through for now, but as a result, I doubt I'll finish the other drawings I promised to finish before AFA. But I'll find a way to manage. Somehow. I have to get out of this slump. Ganbaru!

Really looking forward to AFA! I sent an entry for the Anisong karaoke competition. I sang with an exhausted throat (was still coughing), quite demotivated due to too many failures in the beginning, so it wasnt up to par. The 16 chosen participants are supposed to receive their confirmation email on the 9th (today)...I guess I didn't get it...? Ah well, at least I tried.

On the other hand, during the recording session, I realized how much I lacked in singing. Naturally, I get annoyed when discovering my own limitations. I'll definitely make myself sing better. Jibun wo koeru!

And I believe one should not impose his or her own personal feelings regarding other people's passions just because his or her personal regrets in the past. That's selfish. Be careful not to cut a flower bud, you won't have a chance to see how beautiful it'll become when it blooms.

I dont think this is ranting? Just random thoughts.

Take care all! <(_ _)>


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