Monday, October 18, 2010

Gundam X model, busy busy busy!

Ya minna~ ( ゚▽゚)/コンバンハ

I removed the Cbox temporarily...the bots are getting out of hand >_> I don't really care about that, but the shoutbox was for friends to drop by and chat, not for trash seeking attention. Meh. I'll see when I'll put a shoutbox back.

I GOT A HIGH GRADE GUNDAM X GX-9900!!! YAAAAY!!! to be honest...I've never looked inside a Gundam box before. Of course, they're still in parts which need to be assembled. ∑(O_O;)Shock!! I've never assembled a Gundam in my life! This will be a first. Hrm o(>< )o o( ><)oジタバタ and since I do stuff so slow, I really wonder when it's gonna be done. LAWL. Niichan, tasukete! hahaha. Thanks Qu & Neechan, this is awesome <3 During our weekend outing we had three generations of HG gundams in our hands. :P One Freedom, one from Gundam Wing (I think) and my Gundam X ヘ(^_^ヘ)(ノ^_^)ノ

Eep. Did I just offered to do more drawings? O3O i forgot that i have a lot of things to do already... LOL ah well. I'll just cram everything up and do them as fast as possible *__* and see how much i manage to do (;´ρ`) グッタリ how can someone as lazy as I am be such a busy person? Imi wakannai! Have to be more hardworking now! A gamer with reduced gaming time is an unhappy gamer! OTL Everyone's working hard! I must do so too! After everything's done I want to karaoke!!!!

AFA X, here I come!

Take care all! <(_ _)>

1 comment:

    then we all go karaoke ;Q; i miss karaoke lawl.
