Thursday, March 17, 2011

Jam Project and the earthquake

Ya minna...

Endoh-san has finally updated his blog today, saying that he received the news that his family is safe. His hometown, Ishinomaki, was among the areas most severely hit by the quake on 11 March 2011. He stated that it was truly a miracle that they were rescued from such hellish condition.

I'm really, really, REALLY happy for him T____T God, You are truly Merciful m(_ _)m

Enchan, now I believe in miracles, too.

It's the first time that Ive read such a sad blog from him T___T it was short, yet heartfelt.

Enchan is amazing. I couldn't imagine going on air on radio sounding cheerful when my family, my family's situation is unknown, just because I know a lot of people out there are worried about me. >.< He must've gone through a hard time. Enchan...よく頑張ったな!元気になってちょうだい!

Now fans on Twitter are buzzing about how happy they are that his family is safe. (*^^*) Yeah, I opened a Twitter account just for that hahaha.

Unfortunately, the earthquake occurred on Okui-san's birthday, so her birthday live concert was postponed. If I read it correctly from the JAM Project latinoamerica website, she expressed sadness for the victims of the 9.0-magnitude quake (revised from 8.9).

Even Lantis put a notice on its main webpage regarding the earthquake.

Although I haven't seen any news on Aniki, but since his ヒーローはNever ねば Give Up! (album/single?) is going to be released on the 25th of March 2011, and no cancellations has been made, I suppose that he's allright. I hope to hear updates from him soon!

Regarding the Fukushima Plant, the Japanese government had to order workers to evacuate the plant due to the surge in radiation levels. There are concerns that the wind might blow radioactive material to Tokyo, causing an exodus, but experts stated that the radioactive materials would disperse when they reach Tokyo, so the public shouldn't worry although areas near Tokyo have recorded minute increases (10 times) the normal radioactive levels. I'm praying that the situation becomes better soon. I even donated to the Red Cross, in hopes that it might help a little.

Take care everyone. Goodnight. <(_ _)>


  1. iogataaa ;A; good to hear his family is okay. Hopefully things will get stabilized for him and his family soon. and also of course to all those who has suffered from the quake and tsunami.

    Hopefully we'll hear from Aniki too D;

    and will be praying for the stabilization of the Fukushima Plant as well TAT

    Ps: ADD ME ON TWITTER 8DDD <3<3 (reryu91)

  2. Yeah T_T I was so lega i lost all energy to do anything after reading that news. ;__; It's like a rock just fell off my shoulders orz. Praying for that, and that there would be more survivors.

    The reason I haven't got any news on Aniki is cause he doesn't blog...JAM Project members blogged their situation the day after the quake, except for Enchan. I'm gonna look into it summore. But he should be allright.

    They're gonna spray water on the spent nuclear storage pools to cool down the temperature using helicopters and firefighters. Hopefully the plant will cool down.
