Thursday, July 8, 2010

Company Trip, random stuff, Japanese class

Ya minna! (^o^)/

you might have noticed the lack of Japanese emoticons in my blogs. The reason? Since the previous office PC i used got busted, the one they replaced it with (which is also just as slow) doesn't have East Asian languages installed. Meaning, I can't read my husband's (Endoh Masaaki) blogs. I'M VERY UPSET ARGH =______= OF ALL THE JOYS TO TAKE AWAY FROM ME!? =A=

Speaking of which, my husband looks even more hawter now. He definitely worked out for that single. And now the on the new JAM Project album he looks so so so so so SO HOT GYAAAA *A* I love the new songs =w= YAPPARI JAMPRO GA AISURUUUUUUU *faints*

Aaaaanyway. I feel so weird these few days? Like there's some kind of void @_@ I don't get it. Neh. Just stupid kiddy meaningless sensations.

I'm going on a bus to Pulau Perhentian on a company trip =w= I haven't been on a real vacation in years! This is gonna be so awesome! 8D Time to refresh myself lawl! Beaches here I coooome!!!! 8D yaaaaay. I wonder if they have karaoke parlors there. Of course no Yumekukan orz.

Yumekukan. Siiiiiiiiiiigh. lawl

Apparently the basic 2 class at the place I'm studying will start earlier than expected (on 11 June). With most of the students still doubtful due to the hiked prices and all, I wonder how many of my old classmates will return (._.) High chances are I'm not going back there tho. As much as I love that place. Sensei, I'm gonna miss you so much~

take care <(_ _)>


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