Monday, January 10, 2011

Singing attempt lawl?

Ya minna! (^0^)/

How's everyone?

I'm actually really tired =w=
Happy New year, everyone!
It wasn't that "happy" a new year for me, cause I spent Christmas and New Year's finishing up office work online. T__T
But alas! Memories with JAM Project (coughcoughEndohMasaakicough) always make me happy <3
You know how people have "think happy thoughts" techniques?
Well, this is mine :P
Apparently Enchan had a lot of fun in Thailand.
I miss him orz.

Last Saturday I was alone in my room (doing unfinished work or course =A= )
I desparately needed a break. So!
This is what I came up with.

I sang the background for "Angel Voice" (Macross 7).
It's not perfect, probably because I didn't heat up my throat properly and I barely spoke that day, so I sounded a bit "croaky". hahaha =w=;;;
Take note tho, I don't usually sing in this range @__@
I'm still not used to sound editing, so sorry for the insufficient Noise Removal orz.
It wasn't so good? But at least it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be.
Do tell me where I can improve! ;D
I really should do this more often haha. Stress-relieving =w=

Yappari, I love to sing!~

Take care all! <(_ _)>


  1. it's an awesome awesome start though sayang!! :DD I love it!! though next time, try singing a simple song before recording to warm up your voice so you get less croaky effects haha.

    next time record Angel Voice solo pulak! :DDD <3<3 encore encore!

  2. Yeah I didn't heat up my voice properly cause it was a spur of a moment thing and sometimes my roomates from the other room nak tumpang toilet so they will masuk suddenly ahaha so i was rushing @___@ *nervous* I'll ganbarimasu next time! When I get better I might redo this haha.

    *chokes on mock barbeque chicken* ah lawl I knew that was coming =w=;;; wait till i read up on "Singing for Dummies" first, then I'll try singing that or another song lawl. xD lolol ur my one and only fan desu <3

  3. maybe when you come over for CNY we record a duet or something 8D

    ehek sorry <3 I love you singing that song 8D and "Clown" too. pfft I'm not the only one (though I be number 1 LAWL). 8D lets not forget Peecee and Neon who did the worship stance while you were singing Angel Voice last karaoke <3

  4. LOLOL Ryu. Youre the only one who'll say something like that <3 xD thanks bby <3 haha! Peecee & Neon, my two awesome duet partners lololol xD Ahaks duet? lololol sure sure, i'll sound awful tho xD <3

    Although I have the book...I have a hard time finding time to actually apply the techniques or practice..=A= especially when roomate constantly interrupts me with that phone music hinting me to stop. Im half thinking of waking up at 4 am to practice but then i'll wake everyone up @_@
